Page 8 - BACC Report
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Draft Report on European Baccalaureate 2019
3.3. Correction of the European Baccalaureate Examinations: the On-line
Correction System
For the third time, the scripts of the European Baccalaureate session were corrected on-line, through
the Viatique system, by Exatech, the French company which won the call for tender launched in
2016 by the OSG.
Following the observation made by the different
stakeholders of the system (Inspectors, teachers, external
examiners, schools and European Baccalaureate unit)
during the previous session in 2018, some adaptations
have been made in order to better suit the European
Baccalaureate regulations and to optimize and
simplify some tasks, as for instance among others:
- follow up of the corrections for inspectors
- management of third corrections
- viewing of the scripts in the schools
- details of the viewing of the scripts on the screen
- administration panel
The implementation of the on-line correction system during the European Baccalaureate session
2019 was this year again very successful thanks to everybody’s efforts and co-operation.
This system has shown great potential for the continuous improvement of the quality of assessment
of the written European Baccalaureate examinations and for enhancing the efficiency of all the
phases in the correction process.
We want to recall some key features supported by the on-line platform:
Scanning of the examination scripts
The scanning of the scripts were made in each examination center. The scripts were compacted and
uploaded automatically to a secure server with an encrypted connection.
The scanning of the examination scripts allowed scripts to be available earlier for second correctors,
with the advantage of extending the correction period for second correction.
This year the paper examination scripts stayed in the schools. Therefore this is the second year that
was not needed to send the papers to the corrections centers.
The scanning of the 2019 European Baccalaureate scripts went extremely well and fast. Almost all
scripts were scanned right after the examination according to the schedule foreseen, and there was
no delay in their distribution to the correctors.
The readability of the scripts on the screen was very good. The scanning of special formats for pupils
with special arrangements was also successful.
A survey was conducted and 98.96% of the teachers and external correctors think that the readability
of the scripts on the screen is good or very good.
Anonymity of the scripts
resulted in the unbiased
assessment of candidates.
This was automated during
the scanning process.
All examinations subjects’ scripts were anonymized, with the exception of Art and Music. The written
part of these examinations also went on the official examination paper, which was scanned. The rest
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