Page 6 - BACC Report
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Draft Report on European Baccalaureate 2019
            3.  The European Baccalaureate Examinations

            3.1.   Structure of the examinations

            The structure of the European Baccalaureate examinations is defined in Article 3, “Uniformity of
            examinations”, of the Arrangements for Implementing the European Baccalaureate Regulations,
            which specifies that:


              3.1    Uniformity of Examinations
                     The following can be the subject of written and oral European Baccalaureate examinations:
                            Compulsory subjects (with the exception of Physical Education and Religion/Ethics)
                            Options
                            Advanced subjects
                     All written European Baccalaureate examinations carry the same weighting.
                     All oral European Baccalaureate examinations carry the same weighting.
              3.1.1  All written European Baccalaureate examinations will be the same for all candidates, irrespective
                     of the language section to which they belong.
                     The examinations in Languages 1, 2, 3 and 4 are different in so far as the examination papers
                     are set with reference to texts in the original languages. However, they must also follow the
                     general harmonisation framework.
              3.1.2  In Language 1, basic course, a uniform examination will be taken by all the pupils in the same
                     language section. The same applies to Language 1, advanced course.
              3.1.3  In Foreign Languages, a uniform examination will be taken in each language and at each level
                     by candidates from all language sections.

                                  LI – basic or advanced course

                  5 written       LII – basic or advanced course
                  examinations    Mathematics – 3-periods or 5-periods course

                                  Two 4-period options

                                  LI – basic or advanced course
                                  LII – basic or advanced course
                                  or History 2 p. or 4 p. (if not chosen as written examination)
                  3 oral          or Geography 2 p. or 4 p.(if not chosen as written examination)
                                  1 subject chosen by the pupil among the 2-period compulsory subjects
                                  and the 4-period options
                                  or Advanced Mathematics (compulsory for pupils who followed this

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