Page 10 - BACC Report
P. 10

Draft Report on European Baccalaureate 2019
            last year. European Baccalaureate Unit was present in the correction centers to support the
            external  correctors  and  the  inspectors  during  the  correction  period  as  well  as  Exatech
            experts remotely.

            6 correction centres were open for correcting all the written examination by the external examiners:

               SUBJECTS                                                 CENTRES          ATTENDANTS

               All Languages (except ES and IT)                       Brussels 1 -   14 inspectors
               All Other Subjects: Ancient Greek                      Uccle          83 external correctors
               ART in DE, FR, EN, NL
               PHILOSOPHY, MUSIC
               Science papers : Biology, Chemistry, Physics, MA 3P,   Brussels 4 –  6 inspectors
               MA 5P, Economics + PT L1 and L4                        Laeken         65 external correctors

               Languages ES, Art in ES                                Alicante       1 inspector
                                                                                     11 external correctors
               Languages IT, Art in IT                                Varese         1 inspector
                                                                                     8 external correctors

               Art in EL and EN (from Heraklion)                      Heraklion      1 external corrector
               Art in IT                                              Brindisi       1 external corrector

            75  external  examiners  decided  to  correct their  scripts from  home through  the  on-line  correction
            platform, being this fact very significant because this assumes that the platform works very well and
            they do not need assistance on-site.

            Retrieving evidence and accessibility to corrected scripts
            Corrected  scripts  were  easily  accessible  since  they  are  stored  in  a  secured  server  accessible
            anytime from anywhere. This also eliminates the difficulty of retrieving documents in case of appeals
            and especially during periods where many members of the staff in the schools are on holiday.

            Correctors training
            The on-line correction tools are easy to use. There is an on-line tutorial and a help-line. The electronic
            tools be web-based so that no software needs to be installed in the correctors’ own computers. Still,
            assistance for correctors and short refresher trainings were provided in the correction centers.

            Corrector’s assessment
            The on-line tools were able to inform on correctors’ performance. Analysis of standard deviation on
            the corrected items or papers was possible.

            Possibility of moderation
            The on-line tools allow automated recalculation of values either for the whole examination or for
            individual  questions  as  a  result  of  the  modification  of  values  in  the  different  questions  of  an
            examination or due to the cancellation of one or several questions.

            Monitoring of the correction process
            On-line  correction  tools  allow  monitoring  and  validation  of  the  correction  process.  They  provide
            immediate access to statistics on performance.

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